here for more information on the Witten Coat of Arms

Frankie Helmandollar (Call), Glen Helmandollar (brother and sister
to Ruey Helmandollar (Witten) and cousin Edna Olson.

Left to Right: Ruey Witten, Caroline Witten Stokes,
Claire Witten Nisonger, ?, step-grandmother Gertrude Helmandollar,
Airman Maurice Witten and Charles Witten.
Picture taken about 1951.

Six grandchildren of William Dabney Smithson,
Sr. Five have his first wife Jane Edmonson for grandmother.
Grandmother Effie Witten's mother's name was
Edmonson (maiden name).
If you have any information
or suggestions, please e-mail history@wittenzone.com.